Monday, January 18, 2016

     I've been learning a lot about my limits lately. Sometimes if I'm feeling well, which is more times than not, I forget that I have a chronic disease. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, in fact I think its a pretty damn good thing. But it's not such a good thing when I have decided to stay out all night multiple nights in a row and forget about the physical consequences.
     I missed out a lot on my early twenties. I was diagnosed when I was 18, so it was all still pretty new. I had extreme anxiety due to the disease, and put a lot of limitations on myself. I was also sick a lot, thats when I had most of my MS flare ups. So the majority of my nights were spent at home, if netflix was around then God knows the damage I would have done.
     But lately, I have been wanting to simply enjoy myself. My anxiety is diminished, I have been doing great physically and I've just been wanting to put MS in the back of my mind. I've been staying out a lot later and more often and it sucks realizing that my body is not going to let me do that. I need sleep. My body gets very, very upset with out sleep. I get dizzy and achy, it just exacerbates a lot of MS symptoms. It's just frustrating when your body and your head aren't on the same page.
     When I was diagnosed I made a decision to stop drinking alcohol. I assumed it would mix badly with the MS, or maybe not mix well my medications. I was having a random conversation with my mom about a month ago, and the topic of why I stopped drinking came up. Upon discussion I realized that it would in fact not effect anything MS wise, I mean as long as I'm not getting plastered every night. So its been a fun month figuring out what I like to drink. The last time I drank I was 18, and I think drinking at 18 generally is just a sea of cheap beer. So it's been pretty funny being 26 years old, having my first legal drink and having to ask people to explain different drinks to me because I genuinely have no idea.
     So far the conclusions have been that I think all beer tastes the same, and its all gross. My beer loving boyfriend I'm sure is sick of explaining all the vast differences between different beers to me just for me to make a stink face after every sip. I seem to only like fruity things where you can't taste the alcohol at all, so basically I'm a girl. One thing though I've really learned about being hung over, is that it is way worse with MS. So I have definitely learned my limits in that respect.
     All in all its been a fun, and well not so fun, experiences learning how my body reacts different levels of fun having. I think it's all about finding a balance, and I think I almost have mine.